One of the most common injuries in road accidents is a traumatic brain injury. Due to this, about 30 percent of people suffer with traumatic brain injury after car accident. However, TBI does not describe just one injury, but a category of injury that includes several specific types of damage to the brain. A traumatic brain injury can determine the experience of the injured person as well as his prognosis for recovery. An injured person also has a right to receive compensation for brain injury due to a car accident. If you are involved in an accident, you can make a claim of injury against the party at fault with the help of a brain injury lawyer.
The severity of a brain damage can range from a mild injury to a severe injury that can result in a person falling into a coma or lost his life. In such cases, you may be a victim of the following injuries.
What are the different types of Traumatic Brain Injuries?
Concussions: Concussion occurs when an impact or sudden violent activity causes injury to the brain. The force exerted on it may result in the brain moving and hitting the inner skull. Due to this collision, blood vessels can get stretched and the cranial nerves can be damaged. However, this is the most common type of concussion is traumatic brain injuries that can be caused by different types of trauma. This can lead to bleeding inside the brain, which can lead to permanent brain damage.
Coup-countercoup: Coup-countercoup brain injury occurs when a significant impact on the brain causes the skull to slam on the opposite side of the impact site. These incidents can be caused by serious car accidents, blows to the head, and falls, the consequences of which can be very fatal and the survivors in such an incident may need extensive support to recover.
Diffuse Axonal Injury: This is similar to a concussion in that it moves the brain. But it is more severe due to which the brain stem cannot keep up with the rate of motion and there is tears in the connection of the brain. During a car accident, the victim’s skull can be violently forced in different directions. If the skull moves faster than the brain, the force of the pitch can cause tissues, nerves, and stabilizing structures in the skull and away from the brain to be unstable. This can result in the victim going into a coma or even death.
Penetrating brain injuries: This type of injury occurs when some kind of object pierces the skull. Because of this, the fragments of the skull can contact the brain and cause serious injury to it. This type of injury can be caused by some external force or object which is enough to break the skull. As a result, the victim can be badly injured or die on the spot.
These are a few types of brain injuries from car accidents. If you are a victim of TBI, you have a right to file a claim against the party that is responsible for this. However, it is a tricky task, because you need to do lots of paperwork to prove it. In such a situation, you can take the assistance of a brain injury law firm. Having good years of experience, they will easily apply for compensation. Along with this, by hiring an attorney, you will easily collect evidence and prove that you are eligible for compensation.