Are vehicle safety features actually reducing car accidents

Since the introduction of motor vehicles accidents and deaths due to them have always been a thing of concern for everyone; government, public and order-keepers. Speeding, rash driving, not following traffic rules, drunk driving, substandard driving skills, driving a damaged vehicle, some common reasons for these accidents. But even with the dangers involved, a motor…

Attorney For Expunction

Do You Qualify For An Expunction In Texas?

Lawyer For Expunction In Texas 214-321-4105 If you are considering an expunction to seal criminal records in the past, there are certain requirements that must be met before you will qualify.  Expunctions are a limited remedy that allows for the sealing and/or destruction of certain criminal records. Records Eligible For Expunction The following records are…

Following Too Close Law In Texas

Rockwall Traffic Ticket Attorney 214-321-4105 If you have been issued a following too close ticket in Rockwall or anywhere in Texas, the law that applies is very important to understand to assess possible defenses and strategies to protect your permanent driving record.  These offenses are considered moving violations in Texas and can have a serious…