Driving while license invalid tickets in Rowlett
Driving around in Rowlett with an invalid drivers license can be dangerous. If you get stopped by a Rowlett police officer and he sees that you have been driving with an invalid drivers license you can be subject to arrest.
It is up to the officer if he wants to take you in or not, but either way he will issue you a ticket for driving while license invalid (dwli). Once you have this type of ticket, you do not just want to plea guilty and pay the ticket off even though you might be guilty of this.
Once you plead guilty to a ticket, any traffic ticket, it will automatically go onto to your driving record. And once it is on your driving record it stays on there, we get many phone calls from clients asking if we can take a ticket off that is already on their driving record and this can’t be done. A dwli ticket, if that goes on your driving record, will automatically add surcharges meaning you will just have to pay more to the state.
Our Rowlett lawyers will represent you on your dwli ticket(s) to protect your driving record. Our number one goal is protecting your record and making sure that you do not have any more surcharges then what you might already have. Call us today to get started.