Attorney For Traffic Ticket Warrants
Making sure to resolve old traffic tickets properly can be the difference between a suspended driver license, increased insurance rates, surcharges and avoiding all of these penalties. There are so many people across The State of Texas that do not understand how serious a traffic ticket conviction can be. It is probably the most common reason for a driver license suspension in Texas. This article is intended to help those that have outstanding traffic ticket warrants handle those tickets properly to avoid some of the main penalties we see on a daily basis. If you would like to talk with a Dallas traffic ticket attorney after reading this article, feel free to contact our office at 214-321-4105.
Dallas Traffic Ticket Lawyers
The Warrant Process For Traffic Tickets In Texas
Warrants are issued after an appearance date has missed for a traffic citation in Texas. However, it is not immediately after. Courts normally have to wait 10 days before they can actively place a traffic ticket in warrant. This is due to the mail box rule that requires courts to accept the post marked mail from defendants as of the date of the post mark if it is received within 10 days. This concept is a little complicated. However, if a person mails in a plea of “not guilty” on the last day that the ticket is due and it is received within 10 days, then it is as if the court received it on the date of the post mark. Once 10 days has passed a court can then place the case into a warrant queue for the judge to sign. After the warrant is activated, it is then placed on the warrant database for North Texas. Thereafter, a person can be arrested and taken to court to resolve the issue.
Mistakes To Avoid When Traffic Tickets Go Into Warrant
One of the biggest mistakes to avoid during warrant roundup in Texas is the payment of tickets. By paying off old traffic tickets, they then become convictions on the permanent record of that person. These convictions are described by The Texas Department Of Public Safety as follows:
Lawyer For Warrants In Dallas
Points are assessed for traffic convictions. Once the conviction has been added to the driver record, points are assigned and remain on the driver record for three years from the date of conviction.
- Two points are assessed for a Texas or out-of-state traffic conviction.
- Three points are assessed for a Texas or out-of-state traffic conviction that resulted in a crash.
NOTE: Points are not assessed for individuals who take defensive driving. Individuals who have six or more points on their driver record are assessed a surcharge every year they maintain six or more points. Surcharge amounts are:
- $100 for the first six points on a driver record.
- $25 for each additional point after six.
Hire A Dallas Ticket Lawyer For Traffic Warrants
The best way to avoid permanent convictions for traffic ticket warrants is to hire an attorney to assist you. Attorneys can remove warrants for traffic tickets without causing harm to the permanent record of the person by filing an appearance bond on behalf of the defendant. This document allows the court to start over from the beginning. An attorney can then go into court on behalf of their client and attempt to resolve the case without causing a conviction on their record. By doing this extra step, it keeps the record clear. The name of the game is keeping a clean record now that every court has electronic reporting capabilities to DPS. Once you are in the DPS system, it can be very expensive and difficult to get out. We suggest you contact a Dallas ticket lawyer today to discuss your warrants.