Ticket Defense Lawyers In Allen, Texas

Traffic Tickets, Drug Paraphernalia, Public Intoxication, Theft & Assault Cases

 Call Our Allen Ticket Defense Lawyers Today:  214-321-4105

Ticket Defense Lawyers In Allen

Allen Traffic Ticket Lawyer

Allen Traffic Ticket Lawyer

As our world becomes more and more internet based and connected, so do our records.  It is more important than ever to treat each and every ticket seriously to avoid having your record impacted.  There are many different types of tickets that can be issued by an Allen police officer.  Each different type of citation can have a different impact on your life.  For example, assault cases can cause you to lose housing opportunities.  Theft cases can cause you to lose a job or employment opportunities.  Traffic tickets can cause you to lose your license and/or increase your insurance rates.  All of these scenarios are worth fighting to avoid any collateral damage that can be caused by a ticket in Allen, Texas.  This page is meant to assist those that have been issued a ticket in Allen.  If you would like to talk with our legal professionals after reading this page, feel free to call us at 214-321-4105.

What To Do After Getting A Ticket In Allen

The first step after getting a ticket in Allen is to make sure you contact Allen Municipal Court prior to the appearance date.  The appearance date is listed on the ticket and requires all defendants to contact the court within a certain period of time.  We always recommend not waiting longer than 10 days to contact the court.

What Happens If Your Ticket Is Past Due

If your ticket goes past the appearance date, it can be placed into warrant status.  This means you could be arrested and taken before the municipal judge for Allen, Texas to resolve the case.  However, don’t panic if this is your situation.  An attorney can easily post an appearance bond that will remove the warrant and reset the case as if the warrant was never issued.

Mistakes To Avoid If Your Case Is In Warrant

Allen Attorney For Tickets And Warrants

Allen Lawyer For Tickets And Warrants

If your case is in warrant in Allen Municipal Court, the biggest mistake we see people make is when they go to the court and just pay the ticket off to remove the warrant.  If a person pays off old tickets, then they become permanent convictions on their record that cannot be removed later.  Once the conviction is reported to the Texas Department of Public Safety (“DPS”), then DPS can take administrative action against the person.  These actions can include the suspension of their driver license.  If the case was a more serious offense like assault, theft, possession of drug paraphernalia or public intoxication, then it will be reported to their permanent criminal record.

The best way to avoid these issues is to hire a lawyer to assist you in removing the warrant in Allen Municipal Court.  A lawyer can lift a warrant without the underlying case becoming a conviction.  Thereafter, the lawyer can go back to court at a later date and either (1) have the case dismissed or (2) negotiate a deal to protect the client’s permanent record.

Hire A Lawyer For Tickets In Allen

If you would like to discuss your tickets in Allen with a legal professional, feel free to call our office today.  We would be glad to consult with you regarding any cases you now have pending in Allen Municipal Court.  We look forward to working with you.