Richardson Ticket Defense Attorneys

Traffic Tickets, Thefts, Assaults, Public Intoxication & Drug Paraphernalia Cases

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Lawyer For Tickets Richardson Municipal Court

Lawyers In Richardson For Speeding Tickets

Speeding Ticket Attorney In Richardson

If you have been issued a citation in Richardson, Texas and need assistance in understanding the legal consequences and your options, our ticket attorneys can assist you in making sound decisions meant to protect your permanent criminal record.  This page is intended to help those that have outstanding cases in Richardson Municipal Court.  If you would like to discuss your particular ticket in Richardson with an attorney after reading this page, feel free to contact our legal professionals at 214-321-4105.

How To Defend Your Criminal Record In Richardson Municipal Court – Don’t Pay Off Your Tickets

The first step to making sure that your criminal record in Richardson Municipal Court is protected, is to understand that you cannot simply just pay off your tickets.  Paying off tickets is without fighting to protect your record is by far the biggest the mistake we see people make on a regular basis.  The reason why this is such a big mistake is due to the fact that paying off old tickets in Richardson Municipal Court causes a conviction on your permanent record.  That conviction will remain on your record forever.  The conviction cannot be reversed or appealed.

Warrant Lookup In Richardson

Richardson Municipal Court Warrant Information

Once a conviction hits your record, then the real consequences occur.  For example, did you know that an assault family violence ticket can cause you to lose your housing?  Did you also know that it can take away your right to carry a firearm?  Did you know that a theft case can cause you to lose your job?  Theft cases can also be a deciding factor in gaining new employment opportunities and immigration cases.  Traffic ticket convictions can cause you to lose your driving privileges and increase insurance rates.  All of these scenarios are real instances that our ticket lawyers in Richardson have dealt with as a result of a client paying off tickets without protecting their record.

Does Hiring A Lawyer In Richardson Mean Your Case Will Be Dismissed?

You should not think that hiring a lawyer will magically make your case disappear.  However, even if a case is not dismissed, there may be options that a lawyer can negotiate with a prosecutor to keep the violation from being reported on a person’s permanent record.  Remember, that the name of the game is to keep your record clear.  When a case is not dismissed, it becomes a ticket lawyer’s sole focus to try to ensure that this happens.

If a case cannot be kept off your record, then a lawyer can discuss trial options with you to determine if this is a possibility to continue to fight to protect your record.  There are many options available to fight hard to keep your record clear.  If you simply pay off the ticket, then you forfeit all of those options and allow the State of Texas, the federal government and potential employers to use that information to make decisions and judgments about you that could be completely incorrect.  Don’t allow that to happen.  Contact a ticket lawyer in Richardson, Texas today.