If you have been issued a ticket by a Sachse police officer, it is important that you understand your legal options when it comes to protecting your permanent record. Tickets that are pending in Sachse Municipal Court can vary in the type of charge. There are many different types of citations that can be issued in Sachse, Texas. This is why it is important to have a working knowledge of your options. This page is dedicated to helping those that have been issued a ticket in Sachse, Texas. If you would like to discuss your case with our Sachse ticket lawyers after reading this page, feel free to contact our office at 214-321-4105.
Avoiding The Big Mistake When Dealing With Tickets In Sachse
Sachse Ticket Attorney
The biggest mistake our Sachse ticket lawyers see by far is when a person is issued a ticket and just pays it off. We have lost count at the number of people we have assisted who have made this mistake. The reason why it is a mistake is because the payment of a fine for a ticket in Texas is considered a conviction. These convictions are then reported to a person’s permanent record. Once the ticket is reported on a person’s record, it is there forever. The conviction does not fall off. This information can then be used against a person by local, state federal and employment agencies to make decisions about you. Some of the ways this information is used based on the type of ticket is as follows:
Lawyer For Assault Case
Assault Tickets: Assault tickets can be used against a person to determine immigration status. For others, assault family violence cases can cause that person to lose their right to purchase and register a firearm in their name. Assault cases can also be used against a person for housing and employment opportunities.
Lawyer For Theft Case
Theft Tickets: Theft tickets can also be used against a person for immigration purposes. Theft cases are considered a crime of moral turpitude which immigration agencies use to determine if a person eligible to remain in the country. Theft cases are also used to determine if a person is eligible for employment. Most employers will not hire a person with a theft case on their record due to the fact that it could cause liability in the future. If that same person steals from a customer or from the company and the company knew of the previous theft charge, then they may be held liable as well.
Public Intoxication Lawyer
Public Intoxication Tickets: Public intoxication tickets can become a problem because most of these tickets are also accompanied by an arrest record. You can have a public intoxication ticket dismissed, but if you don’t also destroy the arrest record then anyone can find out about it. You have to be sure to destroy the arrest record once the underlying case is dismissed either through deferred adjudication or a straight dismissal of the ticket.
CDL Traffic Ticket Defense Lawyer
Traffic Tickets: Traffic tickets are the most common type of citations issued by Sachse police officers. These types of tickets can have a huge impact on a person’s driving record, insurance rates and driving privileges. For that reason, even if a case is not dismissed outright, it is imperative to protect your record through deferred adjudication, driver safety or some other offered method.
Removing Warrants in Sachse Municipal Court
Speeding ticket lawyer
Now that you understand how important your record is, it is crucial to not pay off an old ticket to avoid a warrant. Warrants are one of the biggest reason why people pay off tickets in Sachse. Again, the payment of the ticket will only cause a conviction on your permanent record. So how do you remove the warrant without causing harm to your record?
A ticket attorney in Sachse, Texas can file a document with the court referred to as an “appearance bond.” This document is a promise made by the ticket lawyer to Sachse Municipal Court that they will appear on your behalf to all future hearing dates. In exchange for this promise Sachse Municipal Court will remove the warrant and set the case for a hearing date where your lawyer will appear for you.
This method, allows your record to remain protected while still getting the benefit of removing the warrant for your arrest in Sachse Municipal Court. It is one of the safest ways to remove a warrant and protect your record at the same time.
Hire A Lawyer For A Ticket In Sachse Municipal Court
If a lawyer is hired for your tickets in Sachse Municipal Court you are paying for security. The security in knowing that your case will be handled in the best way possible to protect your record. Does that mean that your case will be dismissed? No. But it does mean that if your case is not dismissed, then the lawyer will work hard to negotiate a deal that attempts to protect your record from the harmful side effects of a conviction. If you would like to discuss your tickets in Sachse with our attorneys, call us today at 214-321-4105 or fill out our questionnaire online.