It is very important to ensure the safety of workers at the construction site. But still, the incidents of workers getting injured at the workplace are increasing continuously. Many workers lose their lives in these accidents while some get so badly injured that they are unable to work. However, under the law, he has the right to make a workers compensation claim. If you or your loved one is injured in a construction site accident, then you have the right to get compensation.
Working in the workplace is one of the most dangerous jobs. According to the report, more than a quarter of the workers are injured during work. In addition, accidents at construction sites often cause very serious injuries, and these accidents can be fatal. However, there can be the following reasons for such incidents:
Common Cause of Injury on a Construction Site
Falls from a height
A fall from a height is the most common type of accident in which workers fall from an unsafe ladder or scaffold. Workers may also have to face fractures and serious injuries in this type of accident. Their lives can also be lost in this. Therefore, the right kind of ladder should be used at the workplace and it should be ensured that such incidents do not happen.
Falling objects
Many types of items are used on construction sites such as bricks, debris, and other items. But sometimes it falls on the workers and as a result, the worker can die by being buried under them. Very little time can be found to get out of such accidents. Therefore, the workers present at the workplace should use helmets.
Dangers of tripping
Tripping is another incident that occurs at construction site. Workers can easily find themselves surrounded by such problems. Anything can happen in such incidents. Therefore, the workers themselves should be careful at the workplace, otherwise, they may become victims of accidents.
Faulty equipment
Faulty equipment is also another cause of accidents at the workplace. Therefore the equipment should be regularly maintained at the construction site. If equipment fails, it is the property owner’s responsibility to oversee maintenance and make repairs. However, workers should also stay away from such devices.
Electrical hazards on construction sites
Such incidents can happen at the construction site when a worker is directly or indirectly in contact with electric wires. Therefore, workers should never allow any electrical equipment to come into contact with standing or stagnant water. Make sure at the construction site that it is closed when working around the circuit. Use appropriate personal protective equipment to protect yourself from such accidents.
The above reasons can be for construction site injury. Therefore, the property owner should ensure that all security arrangements are in place at the construction site. Proper facilities reduce the incidents at the construction site to a great extent. However, in the absence of strict security arrangements, the property owner may have to pay proper compensation to the injured workers. If you are a worker then you have the right to get compensation under the law. However, for this, you will have to hire reputed and experienced attorneys as they will defend your case properly.