Lawyer For Theft Case
Theft cases can have a severe impact on a person’s record if they become permanent convictions. The problem can be made even more severe if an arrest occurred. This is due to multiple records being available to be searched by current and potential employers. These records can be used for hiring and firing purposes. Thefts can also have serious ramifications to the immigration status of a person. Further, a conviction for theft will deem a person ineligible to serve on a jury panel if convicted. For these reasons, we highly suggest that you consult a lawyer for theft cases in your area if you have been charged with this crime. If you would like to discuss your theft charge with our criminal defense lawyers after reading this article, feel free to contact us at 214-321-4105. We would be glad to discuss your legal options with you.
Theft And The Crime Of Moral Turpitude In Texas
- Employment Impact
Lawyer For Criminal Cases In Texas
The reason why theft cases are such a serious matter regardless of the value of the item is due to the crime being considered one of moral turpitude. Moral turpitude loosely is defined as a crime that depraved or immoral. Immoral crimes are considered more serious in nature due to the potential of harm that could be caused in the future by that person. For example, what if you are an employer and you hire a person with a theft conviction on their record. Then lets say that the same person then steals information, credit card numbers, or money from your clients or customers? If you knew of the person’s theft conviction and hired them anyway and this person then steals from another, then you as the employer can be held responsible for the harm. So in essence, a theft case is a death sentence for upward movement for employment. Nobody wants to hire a thief. This is just one example of how theft cases can kill a career.
- Immigration Impact
But careers are not the only thing at stake. These types of crimes can also have a huge impact on a person’s immigration status as well. These crimes can and will be used against a person to determine if they are eligible to become citizens of the U.S. Again, the thought process for United States is the same as an employer. If we allow this person citizenship knowing they have the propensity to steal from others, then we are not doing our job to protect our citizens. This is why it is crucial to fight against a theft case being reported as a conviction.
Hire A Lawyer For A Theft Charge In Texas
The key is understanding that you don’t need to defend a theft charge alone. It is imperative that you do whatever it takes to ensure that the charge does not become a conviction on your record as well as making sure that the charge is sealed either through an order of non-disclosure or an expunction once the case has been resolved. Contact our lawyers for your theft case today to discuss your options.