Disregard Traffic Control Device
Grapevine Traffic Attorney

Grapevine Ticket Lawyer
Receiving a ticket for not complying with a traffic control device is more common then you might think. It can be anywhere from crossing the double white line to fail to yield. Now you might think that those tickets seem pointless but disregarding these traffic devices can cause accidents. Now what our attorney can do is represent you in Grapevine to see if they can the ticket dismissed or if not dismissed at least the best possible deal to make sure it is kept off your record because this is a a moving violation and can add points.
Below is a little more on what the Transportation Code has on this subject. Give our office a call if you have anymore questions on your case.
Sec. 544.004. COMPLIANCE WITH TRAFFIC-CONTROL DEVICE. (a) The operator of a vehicle or streetcar shall comply with an applicable official traffic-control device placed as provided by this subtitle unless the person is:
(1) otherwise directed by a traffic or police officer; or
(2) operating an authorized emergency vehicle and is subject to exceptions under this subtitle.
Grapevine Ticket Lawyer
(b) A provision of this subtitle requiring an official traffic-control device may not be enforced against an alleged violator if at the time and place of the alleged violation the device is not in proper position and sufficiently legible to an ordinarily observant person. A provision of this subtitle that does not require an official traffic-control device is effective regardless of whether a device is in place.