Texas Criminal Defense Attorneys
The Texas legislature is about to get started up again for 2017 and there have been some very interesting bills that have been submitted that could have a huge impact on traffic ticket defense in Texas as well as criminal law defense. Some of the bills our attorneys are keeping an eye on are listed below:
Dallas Criminal Defense Attorney
HOUSE BILL 76 – Relating to certain conditions of suspension or renewal of a driver’s license
- HOUSE BILL 82 – Relating to the penalties for possession of one ounce or less of marijuana and eligibility for placement on community supervision or on deferred adjudication community supervision for that offense.
- HOUSE BILL 96 – Relating to the repeal of the offense of homosexual conduct
- HOUSE BILL 113 – Relating to the authority of the governing body of a local authority to impose a civil penalty for certain violations recorded by an automated traffic control system or a photographic traffic signal enforcement system; providing a civil penalty
- HOUSE BILL 130 – Relating to the penalty for certain offenders for possession of a small amount of certain controlled substances.
- HOUSE BILL 322 – Relating to the automatic expunction of arrest records and files for certain veterans and the waiver of fees and costs charged for the expunction.
- HOUSE BILL 414 – Relating to the electronic recording of certain custodial interrogations.
- HOUSE BILL 520 – Relating to the use of a wireless communication device while operating a motor vehicle; creating an offense and providing penalties.
Dallas Criminal Defense Attorney
HOUSE BILL 557 – Relating to the procedure for expunction of arrest records and files for certain persons who are tried for an offense and subsequently acquitted.
- HOUSE BILL 564 – Relating to a defense to prosecution for certain offenses involving the operation or use of a commercial motor vehicle or other heavy motor vehicle.
- HOUSE BILL 1016 – Relating to the deferral and reduction or waiver of certain surcharges assessed under the driver responsibility program.
- HOUSE BILL 1125 – Relating to the amount of a fine or cost imposed in a criminal case by a justice or municipal court and to the court’s authority to order a defendant confined in jail for failure to pay a fine or cost or for contempt.