Lawyers That Lift Warrants During Warrant Roundup
The Great Texas Warrant Roundup is closing in on us again for 2018. During the month of January courts across the State of Texas are beginning to sign off on warrants to activate them in time for the warrant roundup season. Normally, courts will begin advertising the warrant roundup in the middle of February. Thereafter, in the beginning of March the police forces for the city where the old traffic tickets are located will begin arresting people. The police department and court systems across Texas are banking on income tax season. That is why the warrant roundup always takes place every year during these months. They know that the likelihood of catching someone with more money in their pocket than usual is going to happen during this time. The purpose of this article is to outline how a lawyer can help you resolve your old traffic tickets that have gone into warrant without causing further financial harm. If you would like to discuss your old traffic tickets with an experienced lawyer after reading this article, feel free to contact our office at 214-321-4105.
Great Texas Warrant Roundup Lawyer
Avoiding The Big Mistake – Just Paying Off Old Traffic Tickets
Without question, the biggest mistake we see people make is to get their income tax money in and run down to the court and pay off all their old tickets to avoid arrest. This may resolve the arrest warrant, but it is a death sentence to their permanent record. Every ticket paid off in this way will automatically be reported to The Department Of Public Safety. The reported convictions to Texas DPS could cause the suspension of your driving privileges. Do not take care of your tickets in this way. You are basically giving your money to a court without getting any benefit in return other than having the warrant removed.
Removing The Warrant Properly For Old Traffic Tickets
To resolve the ticket properly, it takes a lawyer to go into court and lift the warrant by filing a document referred to as an appearance bond. This document removes the warrant without causing harm to your record. It also allows the lawyer to go to court on your behalf after the warrant is removed to fight to protect your record. This does not mean that the lawyer will be able to dismiss the case. But it does mean that they may be able to keep the court from reporting the case as a conviction on your permanent record. We suggest you contact a lawyer in your area of Texas to determine if an appearance bond can be filed on your old traffic tickets before you pay any of them. Make smart money decisions this year during the warrant roundup. Call a lawyer to discuss how to safely remove your warrants and still protect your record in the process.