Warrant Roundup Attorneys In Dallas
Warrant Roundup in Texas is quickly coming. As early as February cities will begin advertising that they have spent the month of January activating warrants for old traffic tickets in their court. That is why it is important to educate yourself about the warrant process and how to properly remove warrants without causing serious harm to your permanent driving record. This article will discuss one of the most serious problems we see with people who simply just pay off the old tickets without trying to protect themselves. If you would like to discuss your old tickets with our Dallas traffic ticket lawyers, feel free to contact us at 214-321-4105.
Hire A Lawyer For Old Traffic Tickets In Dallas
Why Paying Off Old Traffic Tickets Is A Dangerous Move In Texas
The payment of old traffic tickets is controlled by Article 27.14 of the Code of Criminal Procedure. That article basically tells courts across Texas that if they receive payment for an old traffic ticket that they can simply find that person guilty of the offense and have it reported to The Department Of Public Safety. Once it is reported, it is near impossible to have it removed from a person’s permanent record. In fact, if the person does not file a Motion For New Trial within 10 days of the payment, it cannot be reversed at all.
Once the payment is logged, and it is reported to DPS it the most common thing that occurs is that a surcharge penalty fee is also assessed against the driver on top of the payment made to the court. In most cases a surcharge penalty can range around $750.00 and must be paid in equal installments over a 3 year period. As one can see, the surcharge can be more expensive than the ticket itself. If the surcharge is not paid, then the driving privileges of that person are declared invalid. This invalidity will remain in effect until the surcharge is paid.
Warrant Roundup Lawyer In North Texas
Avoiding Traffic Ticket Convictions For Old Tickets
To avoid surcharges, driver license suspensions and convictions you have to be smart with your money. Don’t just run down to the court and pay off old tickets. You get absolutely nothing in return for it. If you are going to have to pay a court money, make sure you get something in return for your investment. To do this, you are going to need a lawyer to lift the warrants for old tickets. The lawyer can safely remove the warrants and then appear in court after the warrant is removed to defend your driving record. This allows you the opportunity to resolve the old tickets without causing permanent harm to your record. If you would like to discuss your old traffic tickets that have gone into warrant with an experienced lawyer, call 214-321-4105.