Speeding Ticket Lawyer
Grapevine Municipal Court
Have a speeding ticket in Grapevine Municipal Court? Trying to figure out what your options are to keep the violation from being reported to DPS? Concerned about increased insurance rates, surcharges or a possible driver’s license suspension? This article is intended to help you understand how important it is to contest each and every speeding ticket you receive based on the current law in Texas. If you would like to contact our speeding ticket attorneys in Grapevine after reading this article, feel free to call our office today.
Whats The Big Deal About Speeding Anyway?
In the past, this used to be a true statement. However, over the past decade the traffic ticket laws have been monetized to the point that every violation is a serious offense. Speeding is no exception. If you handle your speeding tickets in the wrong way they can have some serious consequences. For example, it only takes two serious moving violations to have your license suspended over a 3 year period. Serious moving violations are those that allege the speed was 15mph over the posted speed limit. Get two in a one year period and DPS will send you an automatic suspension of driving privileges notice. If the notice goes uncontested, then the driver’s privileges are suspended for one year. Not to mention that the driver will normally be thrown into the DPS surcharge program and be forced to pay a minimum of $150.00 per year in penalties or have their license suspended indefinitely. Once this happens, you can kiss that premium insurance rate goodbye. The increased cost per year is normally about $360.00 – $600.00.
Grapevine Ticket Lawyer
Speeding tickets are big business for government entities like DPS and Grapevine Municipal Court. You have to be smart about your driving record. The only person that loses if you do not protect it is you. This is where an experienced speeding ticket attorney can really help. We suggest you contact a speeding ticket defense attorney in Grapevine today, feel free to contact us:
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