Dallas Traffic Ticket Lawyer For Warrants
The Great Texas Warrant Roundup is closing in upon us again. During the month of January, courts are beginning to sign off on warrants to legally arrest those with outstanding traffic tickets in their area. The problem with most cases that have gone into warrant is making sure that you can find them once they have. That way you can take steps to legally resolve them in a way that does not hurt your permanent driving record, insurance rates and driving privileges in Texas. This article is intended to help those that are trying to find their old tickets to resolve them before warrant roundup begins. If you would like to discuss your traffic tickets that have gone into warrant with an experienced lawyer after reading this article, feel free to contact us at 214-321-4105.
Get A Traffic Ticket Warrant Lifted
Find Old Traffic Tickets In Warrant In Texas
Some Texas courts are not the best at communicating with the public about outstanding traffic tickets that have gone into warrant. In fact, some courts still do not have a workable web portal that freely shares this information with the public. Even as lawyers, we struggle sometimes to find all the cases that have gone into warrant status for our clients. One of the best tools we have found online to search for old tickets however is the following website:
This website will give you all citations that were reported under a specific driver license number and date of birth. It will also inform the user that their driver license will not be renewed until the listed citations are resolved. Another site our Dallas Traffic Ticket Lawyers use to search for traffic tickets that have gone into warrant is listed below:
Warrant Roundup Lawyer In North Texas
By plugging your first and last name into this web portal, it will bring up any cases that have gone into warrant in the Justice of The Peace Courts For Dallas County as well as other participating courts in the county.
How To Remove Warrants For Traffic Tickets Without Hurting Your Record
Once you find your warrant information for old traffic tickets in Texas it is important that you resolve them properly. You cannot simply run down to the court and pay them off. This will ruin your permanent driving record and could subject you to a suspended driver license and surcharges from The State of Texas. If you are going to pay a court anything, make sure you get something in return for that payment. To resolve the old traffic tickets, first you must lift the warrant and request a court date. Attorneys that lift warrants in Dallas for traffic tickets file a document called an appearance bond. Once this document is filed, the warrant will be removed and a new court date will be set. The Attorney that lifted the warrant will then normally appear in court on behalf of their client to try and resolve the case without it harming their permanent record. This is one of the only ways to both remove the warrant and protect your permanent record. To do otherwise could be cause serious financial harm. We suggest that once you have found your warrant information for your old traffic tickets, call a lawyer to discuss the best strategy to both remove the warrant and protect your record. To discuss your warrants with our Dallas traffic ticket lawyers, call us today at 214-321-4105.