North Texas Tollway Authority Ticket Attorneys
Attorneys That Help Remove Registration Holds On Cars For Outstanding NTTA Bills
Do you have a registration block on your vehicle due to outstanding NTTA bills? Are you uncertain how the block was put on your car? Are you trying to find the best way to negotiate with the North Texas Tollway Authority to remove the registration hold on your vehicle? This article was intended to help those that have registration blocks on their cars due to outstanding bills with the NTTA. After reading this article, if you would like to discuss your case with a lawyer that may be able to help you remove the registration block on your vehicle, feel free to call our office at 214-321-4105.
Understanding How The Registration Block Is Placed On A Vehicle
First, in order for the NTTA to place a registration hold on a vehicle, they must send the person a letter known as a habitual violator notice. This notice serves as the NTTA’s intent to declare that person as a habitual violator. What this means in the simplest terms is that the NTTA is saying that the person has used the toll regularly without paying their obligation to them after using the road. It also states that multiple attempts have been made to collect the outstanding tollway bill from the person and that the attempts have been ignored.
NTTA Ticket Attorney
Once the letter goes out, a person has a specific time period that they must object to the designation. This is where most people mess up. They ignore the letter thinking it it a hollow demand for payment. However, once the time period has passed to object then the NTTA can declare that person a habitual violator by default. This designation allows the NTTA to place the registration block on a person’s vehicle. If the letter is objected to, then the NTTA cannot place a registration hold on a person’s car.
So the key is to not ignore the letter from the NTTA when it comes in the mail. If it is a habitual violator notice, pick up the phone and contact a lawyer that can help defend you against the habitual violator designation they intend to place on you. To discuss the best way to do this, we suggest you contact our NTTA ticket attorneys today at 214-321-4105.
NTTA Ticket Defense Lawyer
What If You Ignored The Habitual Violator Notice From The NTTA?
If you ignore the notice, then the registration block can be placed on your vehicle by default without a hearing. That is how important it is to open each and every correspondence from the NTTA to avoid having a registration block placed on your vehicle by default.
However, if this opportunity has already passed, then the only way to have a registration block removed without overpaying them is to have a citation issued for failure to pay tollway. This allows a NTTA ticket defense lawyer to go into a formal court setting and object to the administrative fees added. The hope is to bring the amount back down to the original toll amount so the NTTA is not overly compensated for use of the tollway road.
A NTTA ticket defense attorney can plead you not guilty and attend all hearings on your behalf without you having to be present. They can review invoice information given and enter into settlement agreements on your behalf that are in your best interest. For more information about this process, contact our office today at 214-321-4105.