Rockwall Traffic Ticket Lawyer
Experienced Advice Call: 214-321-4105
Warrant And Traffic Ticket Information For Rockwall County
If you have been issued a traffic ticket in Rockwall it is important that you handle the matter properly. If you do not insure that you keep your driving record clear from convictions that traffic ticket can cost you more than you bargained for.
Rockwall County has many different courts that can be responsible for the processing of a traffic ticket once it has been issued by a Rockwall police officer. An experienced attorney in Rockwall, Texas can help assist you with the advice and representation it will take to deal with each individual court across the county. Every judge is different just like every traffic ticket is different. Two new precincts were added to Rockwall County over the last election as well. Once a traffic ticket is issued in Rockwall County, give our experienced lawyers a call to discuss what your best options are going forward. We can answer questions regarding any of the following subjects:
- Can a commercial driver keep a traffic ticket off their driving record in Rockwall County? Normally, yes. Very specific steps must be taken to accomplish this as the law specifically states that a person is not allowed to keep a ticket off their record if they are a CDL carrier.
- Can a person keep a traffic ticket off their record if the speed was more than 25mph over the speed limit? Depends on what court it has been assigned to. Please call our office for more information.
Will a person’s driver’s license be suspended for a “no insurance” ticket? Normally no so long as steps are taken to insure that a deal is negotiated with the prosecutor of the court so that the case is not reported to DPS.
Questions such as these are the types of issues we deal with on a daily basis. If you have a traffic ticket in Rockwall, Texas you would like to discuss with an experienced traffic ticket lawyer, feel free to call our office today.
Rockwall Traffic Ticket Lawyer
How Do Traffic Ticket Points Affect My Record?
Traffic ticket points are assessed against drivers convicted of certain moving violations in The State of Texas. Just as recently as this morning prior to writing this article we were contacted by a client who had 6 points on his driving record by being issued two traffic tickets. Each ticket went on his permanent driving record after going into the court and just paying the tickets off. He did not contest the traffic tickets in any way. One of the speeding tickets was issued out of Richardson Municipal Court for speeding 60mph in a 45mph zone. The other ticket was issued in a Garland, Texas school zone for 38mph in a 20mph zone. He was pulled over again by a Rockwall Police Officer and informed that his license was suspended due to these two convictions. The officer wrote him a citation for Driving While License Suspended and for speeding.
The point is that the client did not even know that just paying a traffic ticket could cause the suspension of his driver’s license. The truth is that each violation he paid was equal to 3 points and it only takes 6 points to receive a suspension. Now he is faced with the requirement of obtaining an occupational license and paying surcharges to DPS to avoid further suspension issues. All of this could have been avoided by simply hiring a lawyer to contest the traffic tickets as they were received. It would have cost him an extra $75.00 per ticket to do so, but would have saved him close to $1,500.00 in fees and penalties owed to DPS to reinstate his license.
Do not just pay traffic tickets in Rockwall Municipal Court or any other traffic court. You must contest each and every ticket received to insure your driving privileges remain in good standing. The days of going to court and simply paying off your tickets is over. Everything is electronically monitored and reported by the City of Rockwall to DPS. For this reason when you are faced with a traffic ticket in Rockwall, Texas call an experienced lawyer to help you.
Occupational Driver License Lawyer In Rockwall County
What Can An Attorney Do With My Traffic Ticket in Rockwall?
If you are considering hiring an attorney, you should contact one soon after receiving your ticket. Waiting or ignoring the ticket can cause it to go into warrant status, which complicates matters for all involved. After contacting our office, we will send the appropriate papers to the court on behalf of our client to let the court know he/she is being represented by an attorney. We will then go to court on our client’s behalf and attempt to get the ticket dismissed. If the ticket is in warrant status, we will petition to have the warrant(s) lifted. In most instances, the client will not be required to attend court, which makes this an extremely advantageous and beneficial component in hiring an attorney.
If a dismissal is not achieved, the attorney will then attempt for a “deferred” status with a deferral fee.
There are many various scenarios in traffic ticket cases and each one is different, some of which, can be quite complex. It’s always a good idea to consult a lawyer before trying to handle a traffic ticket by yourself.
If you choose to hire a Rockwall traffic ticket attorney, then it becomes that attorney’s responsibility to protect your driving record, insurance rates, and driver’s license from possible suspension. The attorney also becomes responsible for attending all necessary court hearings in order to accomplish this goal. Once the case is finalized, the attorney will communicate the results to you in a way that is understandable and you are able to act upon. For example, if certain conditions must be met in order to have the traffic ticket dismissed, then the lawyer will communicate those conditions in a way that can be easily understood. For traffic tickets in Rockwall we encourage you to contact our experienced lawyers today.
Rockwall County Records Searches
Rockwall Traffic Ticket Convictions
Why is it important to consider hiring a lawyer for traffic tickets in Rockwall, Tx? Because DPS has been granted broad powers to punish those who are reported to DPS as high risk drivers. Rockwall Municipal Court has the authority to enter convictions against you for traffic tickets if they are not handled in the correct manner. For example, if you go down and simply pay off the ticket, then you have just been convicted of the alleged offense. If that offense is a surcharge based charge, then you will be assessed a financial penalty by DPS ranging from $100 – $260 a year for 3 years. If you do not pay the surcharge penalties, then your driver’s license will be suspended indefinitely until you do.
Please call at your earliest convenience. I have 2 citations in City of Rockwall, 1 for speeding at 19 mph over (59 in 40) and 1 for Driving While License Invalid. I need information cocerning representation and if you feel you can reduce these fines or get them dismissed. Thanks. Call Josh at 214-xxx-xxxx ASAP. Court date is set for 9/20/12 ( next Thursday).
Our paralegals will call you first thing on Monday. We need to determine if you have a court date or appearance date. There is a big difference between the two. An appearance date is when you need to go to court to enter your plea. These dates can be reset easily with a letter of representation from the lawyer. A court date may take more time and effort to have reset.