Speeding Ticket Attorney In Wilmer, TX
Wilmer Ticket Lawyers
Speeding tickets can cause a lot of problems for a Texas driver if not resolved in a way that protects the permanent driving record from convictions. This article is intended to outline the importance of contesting speeding tickets In Wilmer, Texas. Once you understand the severity of penalties associated with speeding ticket convictions, if you would like to discuss your case with an experienced attorney in Wilmer, Texas contact our office today.
How Does DPS Find Out About Speeding Tickets?
Many people think that once you get a speeding ticket DPS is automatically notified that you have been pulled over and issued the citation. This is not true. DPS does not care about your speeding ticket until it becomes a conviction. For example, if you are issued a speeding ticket and get the case dismissed, DPS could care less. They will not have a record of you getting the ticket nor of any documentation of the dismissal. DPS is only concerned with with speeding ticket convictions.
The best way to think of DPS is to categorize them as “parents.” They are very unorganized and hypocritical parents with a heavy hand. Basically, the type of parent that is lazy and always making mistakes, but will put the belt to your back if they catch you making a mistake. What you want to do is make sure that DPS does not find out about your mistake. For example, if you are issued a speeding ticket, the best way to accomplish this task is to contest the matter. By contesting a speeding ticket, it forces the court to protect your driving record until the case can be resolved.
Think of Wilmer Municipal Court as the annoying little sister that tattles on you for everything to the lazy parents who adore her. Everything she (Wilmer) says is true and everything you (the speeder) says is false. You have to persuade Wilmer Municipal Court not to tattle on you to DPS. There are many ways of accomplishing this task. Sometimes, the case is so bad, that it will be dismissed simply by having an attorney go in and review it. Other times, deals must be struck with the Wilmer Municipal Court Prosecutor depending on the circumstances.
Driver’s License Suspension Issues For Speeding Tickets
The reason why keeping speeding tickets off your record is so important is because the overbearing unorganized parent (DPS) has some very brutal punishments they can hand down as a result of reported convictions. For example, if you get one violation a year reported on your record at the end of 3 years you will be assessed a surcharge of $150.00 per year for 3 years amounting to $450.00 in wasted income. If this surcharge is not paid, your license will be suspended. If you get 4 violations reported in a year, then your license will be suspended for a full year unless it is contested in a formal hearing in the county that you reside.
WIlmer Traffic Attorney
Don’t let speeding tickets get this far. Make sure that you contest each and every violation you get in Wilmer, Texas to protect yourself. It is a necessary part of dealing with traffic citations based on the current state of the law. Learn to adapt to it in order to preserve your driving privileges in Texas.