Taking Defensive Driving for a ticket in Rowlett
Have you received a traffic ticket that you would like to take defensive driving course for in Rowlett? Defensive driving can’t be taken for every ticket you receive. You have to be eligible to take defensive driving and a list on how to make sure you are eligible is below:
1. have not completed a driving safety course for dismissal of a traffic offense within the 12 months preceding the date of the offense;
2. are not currently taking the course for another traffic violation;
3. have not committed the offense of speeding 25 mph or over the posted speed limit; and
4. have not committed one of the following offenses:
(a) failure to give information at an accident scene;
(b) leaving the scene of an accident;
(c) fleeing or attempting to elude a police officer;
(d) reckless driving;
(e) passing a school bus
This list is just some of the reasons you would qualify, for a complete list you can visit the Rowlett website by clicking here. Now if you just read the above and you do not think you qualify for defensive driving you can always contact the court to verify. If not, our attorneys for Rowlett can still represent you with your traffic ticket. What our lawyers do is go to court and represent you at a court date. Once there, they will review your case with the Judge to see what they can do to keep your ticket from affecting your driving record. Please give our office a call for any questions or concerns.