Lawyers In McKinney, TX
Traffic Ticket Defense
Attorney For Traffic Tickets And Warrants In McKinney
Many people that hire an attorney for McKinney traffic tickets have limited experience in understanding exactly what it is that an attorney does. Our legal team believes that this lack of understanding is compounded by the laziness of lawyers who don’t take the time to educate their potential clients about the services provided by ticket attorneys in McKinney, Texas. For this reason this article was written to help you understand what a McKinney ticket lawyer does and how they can help you. If you would like to discuss your McKinney traffic tickets with our experienced ticket attorneys after reading this article, feel free to contact us today.
- Education – Education is key in any area of life. The more you have of it, the better decisions you make and the higher quality of life you live. Great philosophers like Plato, Socrates and others taught us this lesson. However, as Americans we seem to think we are too busy to provide it to others. Or even worse, we want to keep those that don’t have the knowledge in the dark so that they are forced to use us. Our legal professionals at The Beltz Law Firm are trying hard to break this mold. Education is key to client satisfaction. Regardless of the outcome of the case, if the client can walk away from the situation knowing more than when they came to the lawyer, then the lawyer has accomplished a great thing.
- Advocate – Another skill that is lacking with many attorneys is the advocate part of an attorney’s job. There are lawyers that will walk in and take offers that destroy driving records at the first setting simply because they feel that they don’t have the time to advocate for their client or haven’t been paid enough to be inconvenienced by the client’s case. How in the hell these attorneys remain in business is an indication of the lack of effort the client puts in to hiring the best attorney for them. There are reviews on google of pretty much every attorney you would choose to hire. Read them. Make sure you are getting an attorney that has your best interest at heart. Make sure they are there to do more for you than simply take your money. Does this mean your case will be dismissed if you hire our office? No. But it definitely means that we have your best interest at heart and we would not accept an offer that harms you to increase our profit margins.
- Negotiate – Negotiating is a huge skill that many attorneys lack. Good negotiation skills can make a huge difference in the quality and value of the service. For example, lets give you the following scenario:
- You hire a lawyer for $50.00. That lawyer is offered $300.00 fine for deferred at the first setting in McKinney and takes it because they haven’t been paid enough to mess with your ticket. So, the total amount you paid to the lawyer and the court is $350.00
- You hire a lawyer for $75.00. That lawyer negotiates with the prosecutor and judge to have your case lowered to $225.00. The total amount you paid to the lawyer and the court in this scenario is $300.00
Just because you pay less to an attorney to handle your tickets does not guarantee you that you are saving money. You have to get the best lawyer you can for the price, but don’t be pound foolish and penny wise in the process. If you would like to contact our experienced staff of Mckinney Ticket Lawyers contact us today.