If you have received a citation in Allen then chances are that is why you are here. Reasons for citations vary in Allen but rest assured we will handle the court and your citations effectively. Let’s get you familiarized with Allen and basic things to expect.
Their physical address is 301 Century Parkway, Allen, TX 75013. They can be reached at (214) 509-4380. Citation information can be conveniently found on their website.
When we deal with this court we generally get court dates that are set approximately 1-2 months away. Out of all the courts that we deal with, this is court falls in the middle to more helpful than the rest. Offers out of this court are generally favorable and offer some time to pay so it is not all due up front. Though the court does offer an online payment option it is not advised that you make your payment online. They have a disclaimer specifically outlining the negatives of making an online payment as it will result in a conviction.
A citation carries many headaches and effects if not handled correctly so take a moment and get familiar with what you could be up against. Whether your case is still not past the appearance date or even in a warrant status, call to have an experienced and knowledgeable staff assist you with your citation.