Garland Speeding Ticket Lawyer
Building The Proper Defense
If you have received a ticket for speeding in Garland, Texas you need to be aware of how the violation can impact your driving privileges, insurance rates and driving record if it becomes a conviction on your record. The old days of throwing the speeding ticket out the window and driving on down the road are over. With the advancements in electronic reporting to DPS it is easier than ever for Garland Municipal Court to put a world of hurt on a driver. This article is intended to help those that have a speeding ticket in Garland become aware of the issues and address them accordingly.
Bad Driving Records Cause Trouble
Did you know that if you are issued one speeding ticket a year, at the end of the third year you will be required to pay $150.00 a year to Texas DPS or have your license suspended as a result? In Garland, Texas as active as the police force is, that is not hard to do. This is why so man people end up with a suspended license and not really understand how or why. You must retrain yourself to think that every traffic ticket is important. Every ticket must be kept off your record. And you must be willing to fight to ensure that your record remains clear. Most attorneys can be hired for half of just one surcharge penalty. Don’t be penny wise and pound foolish when it comes to your driving record. Take the time to consult a lawyer. For a deeper discussion of speeding ticket convictions click here.
Increased Insurance Rates For Speeding Tickets
Did you know that insurance rates can increase due to a bad driving record in the amount of $30 – $50 per month over a 3 year period? Many people overlook this result of a bad driving record as well. The amount of money to hire a lawyer is usually about $75.00. Result of not hiring a lawyer can cost you $1000.00 over 3 years. Don’t play with your record. Pick up the phone and call a lawyer to help you with speeding tickets in Garland, Texas.
Suspended License Issues For Speeding Tickets
Garland Traffic Attorney
Did you know that if you get 4 convictions in a year that your license is mandatory suspended for a full year unless contested? Our Garland traffic ticket lawyers represent people every day on suspended license issues for this reason. Most of the time it occurs as a result of paying off a bunch of tickets at one time. Not that the person actually receives the violations all at once. However, we have seen it happen like that as well. The person runs into a little cash, usually as a result of income tax money and runs to the court to pay off the tickets. Next thing they know they are suspended and calling our office to spend more money. We are hired because we save our clients money. This money may not be at the court house steps, but it is in other ways that are related to the convictions courts can hand down. This is why it is important to think about consulting a lawyer for speeding tickets in Garland when they are issued.