How To Avoid A Suspended Driver License In Texas
An attorney’s perspective on avoiding driver license suspensions and invalid driver license issues
An attorney’s perspective on avoiding driver license suspensions and invalid driver license issues
Plano Traffic Ticket Lawyer 214-321-4105 There is much debate about when and how a person can legally drive on an improved shoulder in Texas. The law allows many instances when a person can drive legally on an improved shoulder. That law is contained in The Texas Transportation Code. We have listed it below in an…
Signing a traffic ticket in Texas is just a promise to contact the court within a certain period of time listed on the ticket
Farmers Branch Traffic Ticket Lawyer 214-321-4105 The law in Texas as it relates to traffic control devices is very straight forward. What isn’t straight forward many times is exactly what is a traffic control device and what is not. Regardless, once a traffic control device is designated as such an officer can attempt to write…
Dallas Traffic Ticket Lawyer 214-321-4105 The rules of the road that all Texans must follow is located in the Texas Transportation Code. This code section is especially lengthy and very complicated. It can seem overwhelming to an ordinary Texas resident just trying to find out what type of offense they have committed in this section…
Grand Prairie Traffic Ticket Attorney 214-321-4105 One of the most common method a lawyer uses to dismiss a traffic ticket is to enter into an agreement with the prosecutor for Grand Prairie Municipal Court whereby the case is “deferred.” Many people do not truly understand what that means and how the case is actually dismissed…
Richardson Traffic Ticket Lawyer 214-321-4105 One of the most common questions we get asked is, “what happens if I don’t sign the traffic ticket?” That depends on the officer and what type of ticket it is. In many circumstances, not signing can cause more trouble than it is worth. This article is intended to help…
Farmers Branch Traffic Ticket Lawyer 214-321-4105 The rules of the road in Texas can be complicated. The Texas Transportation Code contains these rules of the road that all must follow when driving in Texas. Any violation of these laws and a person can be issued a traffic ticket. This article will outline the requirement to…
Allen Traffic Ticket Lawyer 214-321-4105 This article will focus on traffic offenses related to obeying signs and signals of the roadways. It is important to understand what the charges are and where the law is when it relates to disobeying road signs, etc. The focus of this article will be specifically with Section 472.022…
Richardson Traffic Ticket Lawyer 214-321-4105 If you have a hold on your driver license due to outstanding traffic tickets then there are certain steps you must take in order to remove the hold without causing further harm to your record. If you do not take the appropriate steps, then your driver license privileges can…