Dallas County Warrants Lifted
Traffic Ticket Attorneys In Dallas
Traffic Ticket Lawyer In Dallas
If you have warrants in Dallas County that are now currently holding up the status of your driver’s license it is crucial that you take the proper steps to get the warrant removed as well as take care of the hold that is currently on your license. This article is intended to help you take the right steps in protecting your driver’s license from further harm due to an outstanding warrant. If you would like to discuss your Dallas traffic ticket warrants with an experienced ticket attorney feel free to call us using the number above or FILL OUT OUR DALLAS TRAFFIC TICKET WARRANTS QUESTIONNAIRE.
OMNI Holds For Dallas Warrants
Traffic Ticket Attorney For Dallas Municipal Court
One of the most common methods courts use to motivate people to resolve their outstanding traffic tickets is by issuing an “omni” hold on the driver’s license of the person. This hold requires the person to resolve the traffic tickets before they can renew their driver’s license. It has been a powerful tool on the side of the courts to force people to come in and take care of their tickets. However, there are a few areas of concern for the average person dealing with an omni hold to realize.
First, you cannot just simply go in and pay off the the traffic ticket in Dallas if it is in warrant. If you do this, then the traffic ticket becomes a permanent conviction on your record which could cause further problems in the way of driver’s license suspension issues as well as surcharge penalties assessed by The Texas Department of Public Safety.
The safetst bet to resolve the omni hold is to retain a lawyer to both lift the warrant as well as pay the omni hold for you. They can be done at the same time while still affording you the opportunity to keep the underlying traffic ticket off your permanent record. If you take advantage of this method you will not suffer any consequential damage that would have arise by simply paying off the traffic ticket.
feel free to contact us:
- FILL OUT OUR QUESTIONNAIRE TO HAVE A LEGAL PROFESSIONAL CALL YOU BACK: https://beltzlaw.com/traffic-ticket-help/traffic-ticket-questionnaire/
- CALL US TOLL FREE AT 214-321-4105