Dallas Warrant Roundup Information
Warrants Lifted Questionnaire
This article is intended to assist those who may be faced with the possibility of arrest during the Dallas warrant roundup. The warrant roundup is an annual event that Dallas Municipal Court is an active participant in with other cities across North Texas. The hope is that after reading this article you will be able to determine when the warrant roundup normally takes place and how best to resolve your warrants to protect yourself from the severe penalties associated with traffic ticket convictions.
When Is Warrant Roundup In Dallas

Warrant Roundup In Texas
Dallas Warrant Roundup normally takes place in the first three months of the new year. This is considered the peak season for warrant roundup. It is no coincidence that warrant roundup almost exclusively takes place during this time. The timing of warrant roundup is directly related to income tax season. The reason why the two are intertwined is because Dallas Municipal Court is hoping that you are one of the lucky one’s who actually receives an income tax refund. This disposable income, if captured by Dallas during the warrant roundup makes the City more profitable. However, there is a right way and a wrong way to resolve traffic ticket warrants during the warrant roundup season.
Paying Off Tickets In Warrant
You cannot pay off tickets in warrant anymore due to the severe penalties associated with convictions for traffic tickets. Traffic ticket convictions can cause driver’s license suspensions, surcharges and substantially higher insurance rates. We have assisted thousands of people who have made the mistake of paying off a ticket and now have to either request an occupational license or have been arrested and charged with misdemeanors that have jail sentences as high as a full year. Don’t make the same mistake as these people. Learn from their mistakes by taking care of your traffic ticket warrants properly.
Hire A Lawyer For Warrants During the Roundup
Traffic Ticket Lawyer In Dallas
Lawyers provide a valuable service during warrant roundup season. A lawyer is able to lift the outstanding warrant and make sure you don’t get severely punished in the process. Many cases are dismissed altogether after the warrant is lifted. Not every case will be dismissed however, but the key to successfully resolving a warrant is to protect your driving record at all cost. This is where a traffic ticket attorney can be invaluable. If you have traffic tickets in warrant that you are concerned about, call our office today.
feel free to contact us:
- FILL OUT OUR QUESTIONNAIRE TO HAVE A LEGAL PROFESSIONAL CALL YOU BACK: https://beltzlaw.com/traffic-ticket-help/traffic-ticket-questionnaire/
- CALL US TOLL FREE AT 214-321-4105