Warrants Lifted in Rockwall
Rockwall Traffic Ticket Attorneys
Lawyers In Rockwall That Help With Traffic Tickets
If you are facing the threat of arrest in Rockwall due to outstanding traffic tickets and need help making the right decision to get the warrants removed our legal team can assist you. This article was written to help you understand the legal issues related to active warrants in Rockwall for traffic tickets as well as how to protect your criminal record and driver’s license from possible suspension due to the outstanding tickets. If you would like to discuss your case with a legal professional after reading this article, we encourage you to FILL OUT OUR ROCKWALL WARRANT QUESTIONNAIRE or CHAT ONLINE with us during working hours.
Lawyers That Lift Warrants In Rockwall
Before we get into some of the common mistakes that people make when dealing with active warrants for traffic tickets in Rockwall Municipal Court we want to state in the beginning that your best bet to receive a favorable outcome for your case is to hire a legal professional. There are too many pitfalls that can occur if you choose any other method. Today’s legal environment is one that will punish you severely if you make one mistake related to your case. These punishments are designed to generate revenue for Rockwall as well as The State of Texas. The legislature has become increasingly efficient at learning new ways to collect money from those that mishandle traffic tickets and warrants when issued. This is why it always pays to consult with a traffic ticket attorney in your area that can help you navigate through the legal system.
Mistakes Made Lifting Warrants
Traffic Ticket Attorney In Rockwall
The bullet points are a simple guideline to avoiding the most common mistakes people make when lifting warrants. At the bare minimum make sure you do not make these mistakes in the beginning and you could save yourself a lot of heartache down the road.
- PAYING THE WARRANTS OFF – Do this and you are going to get a big fat conviction for each warrant you paid for. The only party that benefits from paying off warrants is the court you gave the money to. It is the easiest money they will ever collect. And once it is collected, they push that computer key that sends all of those cases to Austin so that DPS can now assess surcharges, driver’s license suspensions, and insurance companies can charge you higher insurance rates.
- DOING JAIL TIME – So you spent three days in jail for your tickets. You probably got $300.00 of jail time credit towards your ticket. What if you served time for a “no insurance” ticket? Now you are going to have to pay an extra $780.00 to DPS. Great job. 3 days in jail and now you have to pay more than the ticket was worth to keep your license. Don’t ever do jail time for tickets. That loophole was closed by the legislature in 2003 to make it absolutely not worth it.
- HIRING A BAIL BOND COMPANY – They are nothing more than middle men. They take your money and hire a lawyer for you for less than what you paid them. They then take the rest of the money and line their pockets with it. You are left with sub-rate service to maximize the bail bond company’s profits. Hire a lawyer directly. Cut out the middle man.
feel free to contact us:
- FILL OUT OUR QUESTIONNAIRE TO HAVE A LEGAL PROFESSIONAL CALL YOU BACK: https://beltzlaw.com/traffic-ticket-help/traffic-ticket-questionnaire/
- CALL US TOLL FREE AT 214-321-4105