Anna Ticket Lawyers

Ticket Defense Attorneys



Anna Traffic Ticket Attorney

Jeffrey Beltz, Anna Traffic Ticket Attorney

If you have been issued a traffic citation in Anna, Texas and are looking for information related to Anna Municipal Court policies and procedures, this articles is intended to help you.  We are an experienced team of legal professionals that are familiar with Anna tickets and how to resolve them in the best interest of our clients.  If you would like to discuss your tickets In Anna with our traffic ticket attorneys feel free to contact us today.


Anna Municipal Court Information

The City of Anna Municipal Court is responsible for processing  most class “c” misdemeanors that are punishable by fine only.


As listed on the Anna Municipal Court website, some of the functions the court is responsible for are:

  • processes complaints and violations filed with the Court
  • responds to requests for information from the public
  • collects fines and fees
  • schedules court appearances
  • conducts trials by jury
  • issues warrants of arrest
  • provides fair and impartial justice to all who appear before the Court Jurisdiction

The City of Anna Municipal Court has jurisdiction over Class C Misdemeanor criminal cases, including traffic violations, for which the maximum fine, upon conviction does not exceed $500 (not including state court costs), and for which no jail sentence may be assessed. The Court also hears cases involving violation of City ordinances, which may have fines up to $2,000 (not including state court costs) for certain offenses.


Contact Information For Anna Municipal Court

101 S. Powell Parkway
P.O. Box 776
Anna, TX  75409

Ph: (972) 924-3325
Fx: (972) 924-2760


To discuss your tickets In Anna, Texas with an experienced legal team that can help get you the best possible outcome for your case, feel free to contact us: