Grand Prairie Warrants Lifted
Traffic Ticket Attorneys

Grand Prairie Traffic Attorney
Having a warrant issued for your arrest can be a very stressful event. Especially when that warrant has been issued for nothing other than accidentally forgetting to resolve a traffic ticket. Once a traffic ticket has gone into warrant you must be careful as to how you plan to resolve the case. This article is intended to explain how a warrant is issued and what must be done to remove the warrant. Feel free to call our office or Fill Out Our Grand Prairie Warrants Lifted Questionnaire once you have read the article if you would like your case reviewed by a legal professional.
How Is A Warrant Issued?

Grand Prairie Municipal Court Information For Tickets And Warrants
A warrant is issued by missing a scheduled court date or appearance. Attorneys refer to this initial court date as an “appearance date.” When you sign a traffic ticket, it is not to admit guilt or innocence. That signature is simply a promise to contact the court on or before the date listed by your signature to contest or resolve the the traffic ticket through the Grand Prairie Municipal Court System. If you fail to contact the court or miss a scheduled court date, then Grand Prairie can issue a warrant for your arrest 10 days after the missed appearance date. The 10 day grace period is there to allow people the ability to take advantage of the “mail box” rule. This rule states that if a document is postmarked on the date it is due, then it is considered received on time if it is actually received within 10 days of the post mark.
Getting The Warrant Removed
Warrants Lifted In Grand Prairie
Once the warrant is issued, you have very limited options on how to get the warrant lifted without having the offense reported as a conviction. You cannot go down and simply pay off the ticket to get it out of warrant. If you do this, you stand the real chance of having your driver’s license suspended. For a deeper discussion of driver’s license suspension and surcharge issues related to paying warrants off click here.
The only real way to protect your driver’s license and remove the warrant is to hire a Grand Prairie traffic ticket attorney to represent you in court. A ticket lawyer is able to file the appropriate documents in court to get the warrant lifted. Once these documents are filed, then the case can proceed without the threat of arrest. You have to remember as a client that the warrant is only the first step in the process. The underlying traffic ticket must still be handled. Therefore, if you do hire a lawyer to help you with warrants in Grand Prairie, you must stay in contact with that attorney until your case is finalized.
Some cases are dismissed. However, others are not. If a case is not dismissed, then the attorney is responsible for negotiating with a Grand Prairie prosecutor to protect your record. These negotiated deals usually require you to either pay a reduced court fee and can also require you to take Driver’s Safety or some other course based upon your age or the alleged offense.
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