Mesquite Traffic Ticket Lawyer
Understanding Mesquite Municipal Court Policies
knowledge is power. Understanding the legal landscape of any court is crucial to good representation. Many times our Mesquite traffic ticket lawyers will hear things like, “when I got a ticket in another city my case wasn’t handled like this.” And that is a true statement. Every city is different in it’s own way. Mostly the differences depend on the judge who sits the bench. Mesquite Municipal has probably changed more than any other city over the last decade due to it’s judge. It started out as a court of non record, where case files and dispositions were talked over in coffee table setting. Lawyers would come in and greet each other and talk about their day. The cases would get resolved in an old school and slow fashion. It was actually quite nice.
Those days are over. Now that Mesquite has the new court house it has come with a whole new feel. The old days of sitting around a table with a bunch of lawyers happily disposing of cases is gone. The court room is filled with more Marshals than you can count. Metal detectors are the first thing you see when you walk into the court house. You also see the amount of money spent on the new building. Pretrial hearings are such that attorneys are only allowed in the court
Traffic Ticket Lawyer In Mesquite
room three at a time. And after that, they must wait in line down at the window for their paperwork.
This may sound like old musings from a lawyer romanticizing the past. But that isn’t it either. The purpose of this background is to help potential clients understand the climate of Mesquite Municipal Court. Getting dismissals based on “the interest of justice” hardly exist anymore. It isn’t that they don’t happen, but they are rare. The prosecutor has very little discretion as opposed to other courts. For example, in some courts you would be allowed to negotiate a speed reduction for commercial drivers if they were in their personal vehicle (because the laws regarding CDL carriers is pretty much a farce). In Mesquite Municipal Court you can’t even entertain the option in any situation. Our Mesquite traffic ticket attorneys have done more trials in this Court than most due to the over rigid policies.
Good News Regarding Mesquite Municipal Court
The good news is that over the years since Mesquite Municipal Court has become a court of record, things have become slightly better. The judge is slowly allowing the prosecutor to have the discretion she needs to do her job well. And you couldn’t ask for a better prosecutor. She prepares for every docket by reviewing almost every single video and any supporting evidence. There have been times where, when allowed discretion, she will also entertain a dismissal of a case in the interest of justice. But even with these gradual changes, you should expect a very conservative court process.
Mesquite Ticket Lawyer
Hire A Lawyer For Tickets In Mesquite
The best advice we can give is to consult a lawyer regarding tickets in Mesquite Municipal Court. It doesn’t hurt to get a lawyers perspective. Especially when your license is at stake. Not every case will be dismissed just because you hire a lawyer. But that doesn’t mean that their isn’t value in retaining an attorney. The knowledge and experience that lawyers bring to the table can be the difference between a good result and a disaster. If you have questions regarding your traffic ticket in Mesquite, Texas feel free to call our attorneys today.