If you have open warrants in Seagoville you will want to give us a call asap to get things resolved prior to the round up. As seen on the Seagoville website, the round up will begin June 11, 2016. If you have not made prior arrangements with the court, contact us to go over your case today.
Their physical address is 702 N HWY 175, SEAGOVILLE, TX 75159. They can be reached at (972) 287-2050, M – F, 8 am to 5 pm. Citation information can be found on their website through their search area found here.
When we deal with this court we generally get court dates that are set approximately 2-3 months away. Offers in this court tend to be reasonable and fall in line with the offense committed. Attorney or not, you will find higher fines for any citations revolving around insurance and offenses regarding driving with a license with a status of other than eligible.
Ticket Lawyer Seagoville
A citation carries many headaches and effects if not handled correctly so take a moment and get familiar with what you could be up against. Not to mention the added stress of an active warrant roundup taking place. Contact us to go over your case even if it is not in warrant status and we will go over your options to figure out the best route and option available to you. The roundup may scare you into just paying the citations owed but here are some reasons why this will be a very hurtful move for you in the long run.