Expired Registration Tickets
Royse City Ticket Lawyers
If you have received an expired registration ticket in Royse City and are trying to figure out what your options are for dismissal of the charge we can assist. Searching for attorneys in Royse City for tickets can be difficult. Which to choose and what to pay? This article is intended to help with traffic ticket issues in Royse City. If you would like to discuss your tickets in Royse City with an experienced legal professional contact our office today.
Expired Registration Law In Texas
In order to get an expired registration ticket dismissed in Texas you are going to need to do a few things. First, you must get the car registered. Second, you must pay the penalty fee. Third, this must be done within 20 days of getting the violation. If all of these elements are met, then the court may consider dismissal of your ticket for $20.00.
Sec. 502.407. OPERATION OF VEHICLE WITH EXPIRED LICENSE PLATE. (a) A person commits an offense if, after the fifth working day after the date the registration for the vehicle expires:
(1) the person operates on a public highway during a registration period a motor vehicle, trailer, or semitrailer that has attached to it a license plate for the preceding period; and
(2) the license plate has not been validated by the attachment of a registration insignia for the registration period in effect.
(b) A justice of the peace or municipal court judge having jurisdiction of the offense may:
(1) dismiss a charge of driving with an expired motor vehicle registration if the defendant:
(A) remedies the defect not later than the 20th working day after the date of the offense or before the defendant’s first court appearance date, whichever is later; and
(B) establishes that the fee prescribed by Section 502.176 has been paid; and
(2) assess an administrative fee not to exceed $20 when the charge is dismissed.
For more information about how to resolve your traffic tickets in Royse City Municipal Court or how a Royse City Ticket Attorney can help you, we suggest you contact a ticket lawyer in Royse City, Texas today.
Jeffrey Beltz, Lawyer