Plano Ticket Lawyers
Have you received an expired inspection ticket in Plano? Below is a section of the Transportation Code that speaks of the requirement of inspections on your motor vehicle.
Sec. 726.002. TESTING AND INSPECTION OF MOTOR VEHICLES. A municipality may adopt an ordinance:
(1) requiring each resident of the municipality, including a corporation having its principal office or place of business in the municipality, who owns a motor vehicle used for the transportation of persons or property and each person operating a motor vehicle on the public thoroughfares of the municipality to have each motor vehicle owned or operated, as appropriate, tested and inspected not more than four times in each calendar year;
(2) requiring each motor vehicle involved in an accident to be tested and inspected before it may be operated on the public thoroughfares of the municipality; or
(3) requiring that a motor vehicle operated on the public thoroughfares of the municipality be tested, inspected, and approved by the testing and inspecting authority.

Plano Traffic Attorney
Now if you have a ticket for expired inspections it can be tricky to get those dismissed sometimes. If your cars inspection has been expired for more then 60 days then the court will not dismiss your ticket. And yes you can always just go in and pay your ticket because it is a non moving violation ticket but if you have anything on your driving record and DPS sees that you have been driving around with an invalid license your drivers license can get suspended. If you have any questions or need any help on your Plano traffic ticket call our office and speak with of our Plano attorneys.
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If an inspection tag has been expired for over 60 days and an individual receives a citation for it twice in the same day (within a 5 hour period) can one of the two citations be dismissed given that the individual renews the inspection tag the next day and appears in court the day after?
Great question. I can say that most courts would do this for you. We call it a “plea and bar.” You plea one case out in exchange for barring prosecution on the other. If you need help with your recent tickets give us a call. 214-321-4105